This photo of the family of Károly Mathea (September 12, 1861 - January 20, 1933) was taken about 1909-1910 when he was about 48-49. Mária Mathea née Nagy (September 8, 1881 - May 15, 1956) is about 28-29. Their children: TB's grandma Mária Mathea (November 1, 1900 - May 10, 1977) is about 9-10, her younger brother Károly Mathea, Jr. (January 13, 1902 - July 19, 1961) is about 7-8, the youngest brother Elemér Mathea (1906 - February 15, 1915) is about 3-4.
The photo below was not dated or labelled but, since all but one person is wearing black and no one is smiling, the occasion was probably a funeral, perhaps for the husband of the older seated woman, Maria Nagy ("najj"). From left to right, the eight people are: 1 and 2: unnamed children of Maria Nagy; 3: Karoly Mathea, Sr.; 4: Karoly Mathea, Jr.; 5: Maria Nagy; 6: another unnamed son of Maria Nagy; 7: Maria Mathea, daughter of Karoly Mathea and Maria Nagy Mathea; and 8: Karoly, Senior's wife, Maria Nagy Mathea. A few years after this photo Maria Mathea married Gyula Neubauer who changed his family's name in 1943.