We believe this unlabelled tintype is William Kelliher, Sr.
William Kelliher, Sr. We know that these pictures were taken between 8/1/1899 - 1902 because the design of the badge (#447) he is wearing was used only during 1898-1902.
William Kelliher, Sr. sometime after 1902. The badge design has changed but the number remains 447. The insignia on his collar indicates that he is a CO, i.e., Commanding Officer, or Captain, of a precinct. He served from 8/1/1899 to 12/8/1937 and retired from Traffic Precinct I.
In 1928 William Fuller Kelliher traveled to Ireland and wrote a letter to his son, William, Jr.
Tralee, Kerry
Aug 16, 1928
Dear Bill
You should have accepted your Uncle's invitation to come to Ireland with him a couple of years ago. You would be wild, wooley and healthy by this time. There are mountains to climb, rivers and seas to swim in and a bit to eat once in a while. There are very few radios here though. Tell you all about it when I get back about the 26th.
I believe this letter is from William Fuller Kelliher to his son William, Jr., who would have been 16 in 1928. WFK would have been 56. It could not be WFK's father writing because (I believe- but have no evidence that) WFK's father (probably Michael Kelliher according to Coolcleve records found by Mary Leinenbach) died about 1890, just before WFK came to the US and Ellen/Bridget Fuller Kelliher went to Australia with two sons. I wonder why WFK went to Ireland in 1928. Was it a funeral? Whose? Note that he indicates that he has a brother in Ireland.
These two pictures are still later with yet another badge design, a captain's badge. The picture on the right was supplied by Tom Kelliher of Maryland. The picture on the left has adhered to the glass of the frame in which it had been displayed, which was then cracked. It can not be separated from the glass without further damaging the picture. It is a good subject for a digital adjustment.
HOME . KELLIHER . 9/12/2000 - 06/14/10